Friday, December 2, 2011

Do you believe it would lend more credibility to politicians if they answered questions on a polygraph test?

Would it help voters to get to the truth by having candidates answer questions and debate while hooked up to polygraph's that the audience could see on a big screen as to the truth vs the lies being told! Why would any candidate not want to prove they say what they mean and mean what they say? What do you think and why?|||Wow!

What a concept!

Of all the ideas brought forth upon this site, I really like yours.

Move to the head of the class!!!

I like this idea. It would do away with some of the people who are massive fabricators. It would require at least one candidate to take a stand on something...anything!

Oh, my goodness. What a great idea.

However, be careful of the person asking the questions. An improper follow-up (or no follow-up) could harm the integrity of the process.

As an example, Hillary was asked to release the eMails to the public. (Those in the library.) The answer came back that she has not held up the release of one single eMail.

Point: She has held up the release of over ten thousand eMails.|||How long would it take politicians to make polygraphs totally illegal, do you think? Heck they'd amend the constitution real fast if they thought it would ever apply to them.|||Although they are not 100% reliable, they are good enough to test the truth, or else they would not be used. So, yes, it would be a great idea. Although, we'd have to pick the one who lied the least, as all of them lie through their teeth.|||No one would run...

No one

because they are trying to please the masses...

masses of people

so they speak in generalities...

have not budgeted out all their programs

and if they did... would not be able to actually tell you what it was going to cost.

just like the commericals...


small print... + shipping %26amp; handling

when you call and order the exacto knife, or super duper vac

its ends up costing $42.50!!!

8 people had to handle it or something.

Good idea

but would not hold up

no one would agree

or no one would want to run that legal?|||I think we should vote for presidents by the telephone or web like american idol.|||Nope most politicians are constantly lying that's it's like breathing for them I think that most could say the sky is purple and pass the polygraph with flying colors|||No not really because those test are not so accurate.I know Hillary could not pass one. She has too many special interest groups to smooth over. She is a Lobbyist Queen.|||That would be great , and let us see who

passes it.|||It would depend on who makes up the questions. If they were asked, uncensored, by regular citizens, many candidates would fail. Some may even find themselves under investigation. (Don't worry, our government and media would never let that happen.)

The candidates are chosen by their parties, not the people. They are then paraded into the public eye answering well

rehearsed questions. The media even dictates the questions that we are supposed to want answers to.

Notice how many candidates just don't get any coverage, they are disregarded before they are ever heard.

A good example of media smearing an image is Ross Perot. He was chosen to run by the people. He used his own money and demanded and paid for his right to be heard. Since they couldn't shut him up, they had him labeled as loony.

Check out this debate with Perot, Clinton and Bush.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

The real Ross Perot:

Especially knowing what you do now, who makes the most sense and who is loony.

Now, if enough people demanded lie detectors, maybe they would give it a go. Make no mistake, it would be as rigged as our elections. (can you say 'super delegate?')|||No, the answers would be so convoluted the test would be worthless.|||No, since the polygraph just demonstrates one can remain calm while lying. If anyone can do that, a top politician can. The lie detector assumes honest people have no reason to be nervous; therefore, sweating about considered a liar in front of the entire country isn't a consideration. Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested twice during his killing spree. He passed a polygraph test and was released each time. He was finally caught literally red-handed leaving a crime scene.|||that would be nice|||Quite frankly, I don't think it would help. Unfortunately, the American masses are so uneducated and ignorant that they would probably end up voting for the candidate which uses the biggest words or has the nicest hair.|||Couldn't that be faked?

LOL, Hillary is actually a Republican.|||If we hooked up Hillary to one it would catch on fire. Good idea! Lets do it.|||LMBO! The machine would burn up when Clinton answered a question if she ever really answered one.|||No, they are not reliable enough...that explains why they don't hook up polygraph tests to people who are in court.

The truth is, people are very cynical, and make excuses abotu everything. Someone could actually BELIEVE that they did not kill someone..or that they KNOW someone. People can actually convince themselves of a specific story.

Once polygraph teste become the norm, people will perfect the skill of convincing themselves the right answer.

But, there are many problems with the lie detector test. It is an unreliable need hard evidence..|||You have a very good idea, and I would really like to see it in practice. Unfortunately, I could never see a politician ever going through with it.|||NO, they would have to have a conscience to register.

Besides, they don't know ahead of time, which outcome wins.|||Yes, because McCain is starting to campain more conservative than before, and it would be nice to know for sure if it was all lies or not. This would not work on people who feel no guilt, like Hillary. People would also realize that Romney was telling the truth and then would have became the Republican nominee, since a lot of people thought he was liberal since he was governor of Massachusetts.|||sure why not Obama lies all the time, I cant believe one word that comes out of his purple lips!|||That sure would be a fun show. Some politicians are sociopaths who could lie and still pass a polygraph test.|||That would be really interesting to watch - I wonder how many of the politicians would still tell lies if they did this...|||who could pass it?????|||Hmm I really really like this idea. I wonder what they would say if you proposed this. lol can we say Tongue Tied lol|||No, they are not reliable and that's why they are not admissible in court.|||great question but no politician would pass, then what would you do!!|||Since the American public is so taken by reality shows, I think that we should have debates with politicians hooked up to polygraph machines with tasers attached to stun those who don't tell the truth. That would be worth watching, since the writers haven't produced much lately.

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