Friday, December 2, 2011

Why is it that Zionist extremists are the only ethnic separatist group that is afforded mainstream credibility?

All other such groups - like the Black Panthers or the KKK - are relegated to the marginalized fringe in which they belong. Yet, whenever someone points out that Zionist fanatics are advocating a policy that is fundamentally identical to that of Apartheid South Africa, they're shouted down as a bigot and an anti-Semite, despite the fact that Zionism is a POLITICAL ideology.|||one of my main foreign policy gripes about this country is its blind adherence to whatever Israel does.

A good friend tells you when you are wrong.

I love Israel, and I am a good enough friend to tell them that THE WALL IS WRONG AND DISASTROUS TO THE PEACE PROCESS.

The 2 nation solution is the only possible solution, because apartheid is a shamefull injustice and jews are outnumbered in the area. It is time to face facts before there is a bloodbath of biblical proportions.|||So, i looked up Zionism and read a little about it and then compared it to the Black Panthers and the KKK....there is no way that i can accept the premise that these 3 groups can be associated in any manner.

Zionism is not something that is advocating any violence or forced relocation of any particular group. Jews, even "Zionists" have been trying to live in peace alongside all people throughout Israel for many years, Unfortunately they have had to take a proactive stance in defense of themselves.

Comparing Zionism to Apartheid is well...ridiculous.

Zionism encourages Jews to live in Israel...

Apartheid is forced segragation....|||Sure blame the jews. What about ACORN? That one's a group who's core principle is starting a class war.

Think about this, Obama's crying about paying money to people working at AIG because so-called rich people will get richer.

If they don't get their bonuses they'll quit leaving the government to run a giant corporation that's already bankrupt, and sucking our economy dry.

Only by them leaving, the government will kill it faster and before we can get our tax dollars back.

But the point is, ACORN divided this nation too. So aren't they just as bad?

Remember those guys wearing sunglasses and carrying batons in front of the polling place? The ones dressed in black panther outfits?

Wasn't that scary?

ACORN dude.

So there it is. Don't blame one group, extremists from every corner, white, black, red, yellow, brown, jew, christian, muslim or buddhist, are still extremists.

Come to think of it, our government thinks YOU'RE an extremist. It thinks everyone's an extremist.

The government fears the people who it works for.

Got it?|||Jewish people are rich and anyone who is a zionist is always rewarded. They own everything, the elite.

BUT zionism doesn't promote the same sort of separation.|||They are more logical to believe in than the muslims.|||Wake up and smell the baloney.|||Let's say it's one of the good things about owning the media.|||money|||Why should everybody else on the planet be able to live where they will, except for the Jews? Why should they not be allowed a democratic voice in how the state they live in is run?

Apartheid and Israel are not compatible. Muslims can and do hold seats in the Knesset. They can and do vote. All a Muslim needs to do to enjoy the full fruits of Israeli society is work, study and obey the law. Under apartheid that was not possible for blacks.

Zionists are people who elected to return to their ancestral homeland, j after an enforced exile. The Jews never ceded aboriginal title, remembering it every year in their holiest of ceremonies, for the Seder aspires "next year in Jerusalem."

It was not the Jews who began the violence. History records that Muslim extremists under the leadership of a politically ambitious imam named Haj Amin el Husseini began a campaign of violence and murder after the First World War. It was not only Jews that were killed, but any Muslim who disagreed with Haj Amin.

The Jews bought swampland and desert amd transformed it by labour into arable land. Haj Amin had those who sold the swampland killed. Better swamp than farm as long if the Jews were involved, I guess.

Your susceptibility to propaganda shows you are not prepared to investigate impartially. This is how bigots make converts. Ignore the truth and shout your lies as loudly and often as you can.

Hitler did it. Hussieni did it from Berlin during the Second War because he was a spiritual Nazi himself. Now you do it. Are you proud to be in this company?

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