Friday, December 2, 2011

Why are actors only given a platform and credibility in the media if they have a liberal agenda?

Conservative and/or Republican actors like Kelsey Grammer and Jon Voight aren't given the time of day.|||I don't know, but it would sure go a long way in raising respect for that industry. How in the sam hell can anyone respect that industry with idiots like Sean Penn who think anyone who talks ill of Hugo should go to jail, and idiot Danny Glover who thinks that Global warming caused the earth quake in Haiti. I mean....come on.....are they serious??|||Go Padres.Because the don't live the liberal lie.|||maybe if they could win an oscar... they would have their 5 mintues to talk about how horrible democrats are?|||They are on Fox News pretty often.

I thought it was the most watched cable news network. Are you saying that Fox News is neither a platform nor credible? Or are you just whining because the coolest people you can come up with are Kelsey Grammer and John Voight?|||It simply isn't true tha ONLY liberal actors are given platforms for their views.

Why do wing-nuts constantly lie?

Do you have any EVIDENCE that either of those actors are conservative?

In general, media gives attention to actors when: they have a new work coming out; when there's something newsworthy in their lives; when they're activists.

Thus, when Charleton Heston was head of the NRA, he got platforms for his views. Mel Gibson spews his hate-mongering in the media. I've seen other conservative actors discuss their views in the media.|||True. And why do we look to actors for advice on politics? They don't come to me for advice on acting.|||not true

why are conservatives (like yourself) so obsessed with Hollywood actors ??|||I've seen them make appearances on Fox News.

It should also be taken into consideration that those two actors have not had starring roles in major films for some time and therefore are less likely to be interviewed.|||Because the media has a liberal agenda and give liberal actors a forum to promote

liberal views.|||Birds of a feather.... and all that.|||I wish they would just shut up and act!

Why is someone who plays a lawyer on TV and never went to college an authority of political issues?

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