Thursday, November 24, 2011

Can you give any credibility to people calling China a successful communism story?

Not such a great human rights track record. Is that what they consider a success?|||Only because they strayed away from pure communism and allowed capitalism in.|||They have been successful only because they have abandoned pure communistic ideals. Communism can work in small isolated agrarian societies but not in industrialized nations. What china has basically done is to keep their farming communities running on communist principals and open up their industrial sector to free market capitalism. They still have brutal authoritarian rule, but the balance seems to be working for them in a strict dollars and cents analysis.

It also helps that China evolved from a monarchy. The people are accustomed to absolute authority and dependence on the state. Very little desire for freedom because they have never known what it was. They also have abundant natual resources and no regard for human life. These factors make communism more palatable for the Chinese people.|||It is only a success in the fact that the government is still in place and that China is so large. By no means is China a leader in human rights nor is Communism a target that anyone outside that realm strives for.|||Yes, based upon the growth of their economy as they adopt some free market principles.

They also paid Clinton to give them our best missile guidance system and millions of American jobs. That was a great achievement on their part --- and Clinton's part.|||China is a successful CAPITALIST story, economically speaking. The governmental policies are communist, however their economy is anything but.|||China is more or less like an authoritative corporate police state now.|||Yes. Lifting 1 Billion people out of poverty, Success?|||China is falling down-let's push,|||They were going absolutley nowhere until they started tinkering with capitalism

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