Thursday, November 24, 2011

Will the world NOT ending affect the credibility of Christians or have you come to expect that?

Some people will just shrug their shoulders and think, eh, I'm not surprised at all. Others may think this damages the credibility of Christians. Where do you stand?|||It's Judgement Day predicted for tomorrow by Harold Camping, and most Christians I know don't believe that he could know when Jesus is coming to take all of "the saved" to heaven. According to Camping, Judgement Day tomorrow, then the tribulation, then the end of the world on October 21.

I'll be mildly curious to see what Mr. Camping has to say when all of the good Christians don't poof off to heaven tomorrow and are still here with the rest of us non-saved souls come next week.

But I don't judge the many by the actions of the few. There are small groups of extremists and/or nut jobs in every religion.|||The thing with Christianity is there are true Christians and then there are false Christians. They have been mixed together and one has to know how to distinguish between the two. I believe those who are false have deliberately infiltrated to Church to disgrace Jesus Christ or to make a ton of money for themself. However, there are still genuine believers and unfortunately in the eyes of some people they get lumped in with the false.|||No, because the majority of sane Christians do not believe that it's happening tomorrow to begin with.|||Harold Camping won't affect my credibility because I don't buy into his false prophesies.|||They have no credibility.|||We've had "end of the world predictions" from Christians for over 2000 years, so one more is just a drop in the bucket.|||What credibility? They lost it a long time ago

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