Escalating the sending of thousands of young men to kill and die in Afghanistan but we're supposed to belief he's had a moral epiphany?|||He has tons more than any conservative you can name! Afghanistan was the war that we should have finished in the first place. They were the ones hiding Al-Queda. Obama is finishing what Bush did not because he went into a war in Iraq bases on lies. Conservatives have nothing to protest health care with except for lies and false hoods. If you want a real debate on it then you better start using real facts. As I see it now the Democrats are just going to pass a bill without them, and a public option will be in it. Conservatives spent there time lying when they could have used it debating the facts. Now it is like Barney Frank is like debating the Dining Room Table.....Why waste our time. We think it is right and we elected Obama to do what WE want not what a bunch of Conservatives failures want.|||Oh noes he's sending people to the country we actually had a reason to be in, what a bad man!|||No, you're right. He's a fraud. His moral epiphany ends with rhetoric. He's a complete sham. He uses populist rhetoric to SOUND progressive, but he's nothing but a corporate shill. His religiosity is just another bone for the right.|||None what so ever!|||Credibility is a term that cannot be applied to Obama under even the most extreme circumstances in any topic with the exception of masterful use of the teleprompter.|||LOL and lets have more abortions. The government will pay for them.|||Bush started the Afghan mess dummy. Obama is doing his best. If he were president on 9/11 there might not have been a war at all. Who knows? Bush effed things up for everyone for a long time to come.|||I'll believe that one when he does whatsoever to the least of his brothers, such as the one in Kenya. What a hypocrite.|||Obama is the most pro abortion president in history, making this man as immoral as they come. Absolutely not, he doesn't have one iota of credibility. God bless.|||Sure, and Rev.Wright is the holiest of them all. It is the moral obligation of the government health care system to decide for the people what is good for them, how much their remaining years
is worth and to hand the reins to Pelosi and Reid to decide for
them.|||Yes. Jesus would not want the under five death rate that the US has to be present in the worlds richest and most powerful nation.
FACT - Insurance companies in the USA admit to pushing up prices, buying politicians and not paying out claims when they should
FACT - PER PERSON the USA spends more on healthcare than any other nation on the planet
FACT - Obama debated his plans before the election for healthcare
FACT - the chance of a child under five of dying in the USA is greater than industrialised nations with universal health coverage
FACT - Obama was elected by the American people to bring in change
FACT - Obama wants to stop insurance companies from screwing the American people
FACT - The reforms Obama wants work in the Netherlands and in Switzerland
And with Afghanistan, it is send troops there or fail.|||His was truly low-class move. It certainly did not persuade me.|||Where is the ACLU (Anti-Christian Lawyers Union) screaming about a nonexistent "separation of church and state"? This just shows how shallow the support for socialist medicine has gotten when Comrade Obama has to resort to religion to advance an unconstitutional political plot.|||What's a religious card, and how does one play it?|||When has he attempted to play the religious card?
What -IS- a religious card?|||Only if you are NAIVE, STUPID, or a LIBERAL HACK!! He is such the Emperor with NO clothes if ever I have seen one.|||Obama would have to have some religious credibility in order for Obama have any credibility playing the religious card for government run health care.
Semper Fi|||You hypocrits can't have things both ways. You either label our democratically elected president "Hitler" or you try to say he is "too religious"...when neither one is true.
President Obama is a church-going fellow (remember those among you who criticized the pastor at his Chicago church?) and so is his entire family, but he is also a Constitutional scholar and believes firmly in the Constitutional provision of separation of powers (something his predecessor routinely violated to the huge detriment of the U.S.). What he was attempting to accomplish with the conference call that involved religious leaders is to say that we are one family, the UNITED States of America (as in his first speech at the Kerry-Edwards convention). Cult-evangelical churches have been trying to overthrow out government from within (Goldberg, 2006; Sharlet, 2008) and almost succeeded under Bush/Cheney; however, by involving ALL denominations (not just the cult-fake-"Christians" who have infiltrated our government as domestic terrorists with the intent of overthrow) in the health care debate, he undermined the fundamentalists who have taken command and control of the GOP by lessening their concentrated influence in Washington and around the nation.
The war in Afghanistan was being waged during Bush/Cheney years beginning in October 2001. Iraq was an illegal war for which the Bush administration should be put on trial as war criminals; however, the attempt to capture Osama bin Laden under Bush/Cheney meant going to war in Afghanistan, where the poppy fields/heroin trade funds al Qaida and the Taliban offers training and shelter. If you were paying attention to the news in recent months, the Taliban had moved dangerously close to Pakistan's capital city (where Pakistan's nuclear arsenal is), and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton persuaded Congress and the White House to involve the Pakistan government in pushing the Taliban back over the border into Afghanistan. On advice of his new Commanding Officer in Afghanistan, President Obama has beefed up our troops and equipment, has had the troops eliminate many of the poppy fields to eliminate a funding source, secured permission to fly equipment, weapons, and troops through Russian airspace to expedite deployment, and has been working with the Pakistani army to keep the Taliban contained. This is a National Security Issue. If you are a big "Bible-thumper" which I am not usually, I believe there is a passage that reads, "There is a time for all things", is there not? We have had about 113 deaths in Afghanistan, as compared to the illegal war by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowicz et al., where 5.468 American soldiers have died and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis...
President Obama is trying to DO HIS JOB and PROTECT the U.S.! All during the campaign he kept saying that he would put more troops into Afghanistan in order to get the job done---that the Bush/Cheney administration had focused on the wrong part of the world after 9/11. And guess what? A majority of Americans voted for Barack Obama, who is now our chosen leader. Your propaganda isn't welcome and won't work with us anymore.|||Obama isn't "playing the religious card". He's a Christian. What's wrong with that?
BTW, he's also the commander in chief...I've yet to see anyone suggest that acting as such is counter to being a Christian. I guess you don't realize how many wars Christians have instigated and fought in.|||What on Earth is a "religious card" and what does it have to do with being the US commander in chief?
Obama isn't "sending of thousands of young men to kill and die in Afghanistan"...he's fighting a war. A war the supposedly Christian GW Bush started and abandoned. How many lives were lost due to his criminal inattention there while he pursued an unjustified war in Iraq?|||he doesn't have any credibility with me.|||oh you know barry. he does what he has to do to get what he wants. he;s anything you want him to be til after he gets his way then back to the conniving barry|||Obama is an atheist, so no he doesn't. He has no integrity or morals. He is a disgrace to the presidency and a disgrace to this country. God is it 2012 yet?????|||Since when have the Liberals gotten so God fearing and moral??|||None. Peace|||He only has credibility with the Obama drones everyone else knows he is a habitual liar.|||No.
How can he violate the separation of church and state and try to get his agenda pushed from the pulpit, while two good men teaching at a local high school right up the road from me, face jail time for saying grace over a meal that no students were attending? He will most likely threaten any churches who oppose him with taxation.|||no
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