Wednesday, November 30, 2011

If this Copenhagen Summit had been energy efficient and green would they have more credibility?

If they actually practiced what they preached, arrived on commercial airlines and ridden in regular cars instead of limos... what is the point of all that opulence? Is meat banned?|||If pro wrestling was more energy efficient, would they have more credibility?|||Yes, exactly.

And don't you think that they could have had video conferencing and saved all the fuel and prevented the atmosphere from further being polluted with hundreds of thousands of tonnes of green house gases|||They are not, and if they were they would be honest men and thus by honesty they would not have fallen for this fraud or would not be the conmen promoting it. That is to say your question is moot.

It's like saying "If this square was rounded off, could it be a circle while still being a square?"

No, if rounded off it is no longer a square.|||No. These people are politicians, they care nothing about the environment. In fact they care nothing about anything other than their own desires. As such all they are concerned about in Copenhagen is appearing to care. They make sure they look like they're doing what they think they're people want, but they don't really give a damn. The whole thing is going to fail miserably, or (more likely) it will ensure the continued economic success of the developed world at the cost of the developing nations, as shown by the crafty little documents leaked today.

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