Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Do you feel climategate has hurt the overall credibility of science?

Surely there must have been serious men and women in the hard sciences who at some point worried that their colleagues in the global warming movement were putting at risk the credibility of everyone in science. The nature of that risk has been twofold: First, that the claims of the climate scientists might buckle beneath the weight of their breathtaking complexity. Second, that the crudeness of modern politics, once in motion, would trample the traditions and culture of science to achieve its own policy goals. With the scandal at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit, both have happened at once.…|||Actually, I graduated from MIT and I spent 20 years in high tech.

Most "scientists" are jerks who just do whatever gets more funding/money or more prestige.

That means abandoning principle and sucking up to powerful persons by pandering to their pet projects, and keeping quiet about the obvious flaws or outright fraud in their work.

If you really knew scientists, you'd know they don't really have much credibility to begin with.|||No but it has hurt the long, long term weather forecasting religion though. As soon as you start cheating to prove anything in science it isn't science anymore. Weather forecasting uses the highest technologies and is statistically pretty accurate over small stable areas but the minute that you start guaranteeing good or bad weather on specific days/weeks/months, next year based on what little we know today you have left all science out of it.

The sun's cycles drive Co2 and just about everything else as we know from the last dozen ice ages. Governments saw tax revenues that could morally be targeted on the bottom half of the population, plenty of 'hard scientists on 'the list' were put on the list (of believers) w/out their knowledge or consent. Watch this documentary from link:

Try to watch a copy not doctored since broadcast.|||I think the worry is more about the perception of the emails than the reality.

A few of the emails mentioned things like deletion of correspondence and trying to avoid FOIA requests, and those were probably said in frustration and with the understanding that it was venting, and not for public consumption (why would you send an email about deleting other emails and then not bother to delete the original email that mentioned deletion?).

These emails were obviously hacked, and possibly cherry picked by someone with a political axe to grind, seeing how the came out in close proximity to the Copenhagen summit.

So the constant hype about these emails will damage credibility in the lay publics mind about scientists in general, and especially climate science.|||There has been some tarnishing. Science is good at duplicating and triplicating stats and such to confirm an absolute probability. In this climategate situation, that redundancy has been compromised. Many have ruined what science has been famous for... credibility. I feel that in time, science as whole will regain some trust by the people, but hopefully there will not be so much gullibility by some to take it all with one pill... The liberals will though... if it's once again part of their band wagon... and those are the ones that were waving the carbon flag and demanding Cap and Trade.|||The majority of scientists don't believe in man-made global warming. But if there is "man-made global warming" alot of people are set to make alot of money if the Cap and Trade taxes ever see the light of day. There is too much money involved to not have alot of corruption involved in all of the "research".|||Science seeks to find proof for things that are merely theoretical. A true scientist seeks to disprove his own theories.. this is the ultimate test of truth.

This version of science seeks to validate the answer that it wants to see. That's not science, it's spin.

The credibility of true science is tested by one thing; capitalism.

Got a better mousetrap? Someone WILL pay you handsomely for it.

But science used as a cudgel with which to beat the masses over the head? Dead as a doornail. Good riddance.|||only among those who already mistrusted science.

Reasonable people understand that a couple of over zealous scientists don't damage science itself.

I just feel sad for all the hayseeds who will hear about it and listen to the Becks and the Rushes of he world convincing them that everyone in the world really is out the get them afterall.|||We know now that those involved in Climategate are liars, that they destroy data, that they manipulate and falsify analytical findings, and that they attempt to suppress competing points of view.

That to me sounds more like a fanatical cult rather than a pursuit in objective science. So the answer to your question is yes.|||No, only the credibility of conservatives is further eroded.

"Conservative media distort stolen emails in latest attack on global warming consensus"…

Read the emails for yourself to see how SCIENCE works.…|||They hurt the credibility of science in showing things that are not readily apparent to society.

For example : If they invent a new way to slice bread we will be able to see it. If they tell us that we must stop watching TV or it will cause the world to explode, well we might want to see more proof.|||Yes, but on the positive side, we may begin to do what we should have done all along - accept that there is strong bias in the field and temper findings with the understanding of the funding, influences, and political motivations that were behind studies. That way, we open the door to progress through actual scientific work %26amp; exploration.|||Just politically-motivated science, climatology isn't really a "science" per se anyhow: it's nothing more than a psuedo-science like numerology, astrology and scientology.

Anthropomorphic climate change is a LIE.

Eat that environMENTALists.|||No, only in the minds of those who were anti-science to begin with. A few emails from a couple scientists should NOT diminish science's credibility which is based upon strict adherence to the scientific method and empirical data.|||Dude, I hate to break it to you but there is no scandal.

It's the hyped up ranting of the denier right wingers who will take anything out of context to support their misguided attempts to deny science.

Sorry to inform you of this...|||no science is still the sole source of credible facts in the world.

just because some rednecks will focus on an email that has nothing to do with real scientific data, doesn't mean science suddenly becomes a joke and everyone starts worshipping the sun.|||It should have hurt badly the credibility of Al Gore. Anyone who now believes him probably believes he was denied the Presidency by hanging "chads".|||Obama and the Democrats in the House and Senate could very well doom the Democratic party for decades to come...this isn't the hope and change people were wanting.|||The combination of climategate, the economy, the war and health care reform have all hurt the credibility of democrats.|||No

Not at all. Only the FOX NEWS cares about this.

However, I do feel that the FOX NEWS has hurt the overall credibility of journalism and news stations.|||With the millions of dollars the likes of Al Gore has made from this " truth " is suspect enough to question the information.|||Climategate is a hoax perpetrated by illegal hackers. It eliminates what little credibility the deniers ever had.|||Democrats have hurt the overall credibility of America.|||Faulty science and downright lies for profit have hurt the credibility more than anything.|||climategate...the new "birther"|||Only amongst the ignorant people who are already suspicious of science because they are not smart enough to understand it in the first place.|||I think "climategate" only cemented every thinking persons suspicion of this administration...PERIOD !|||Nope. Just makes Republicans look that much more gullible and stupid.|||nope

The scandal at the East Anglia Climate Research Unit is still under investigation.. stupid.|||Yes. Those stupid politicians control the scientific community like puppets for their own wealth. Its really sickens me.|||Yes, I do. The politicization of science is very dangerous.|||Yes, I'm afraid your right.

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