Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How much credibility does the New World Order theory have in explaining why countries are going bankrupt?

To be replaced by a bigger country with a new currency. E.G. the Amero.|||David Rockefeller and other elites throughout the world aligned with his thinking like Kissinger, Bush Sr. have publicly advocated a New World Order. Bilderbergers and the Bohemian Grove elites discuss these topics among others on a regular basis.|||The NWO is the equalization of all countries economically, socially, and environmentally. Thus the bail out. When countries bail out other countries, they also jeopardize their own economy. There are mandates for universal health care in each country. Even though our new bill does that, it results in spreading the wealth just like the NWO mandates. They are mostly all using the same kinds of financial systems and investing in each other which is why there was a global recession when we had our melt down.

There is also complete interdependency among nations so that even some of our plants couldn't operate because of Japan's earthquake. We get many items from China or other countries that we don't even produce at all anymore in this country. Countries that get a loan from the IMF must live under their rules of austerity. All of them pretty much the same. All countries will go broke under this system and that is when the NWO takes over. That is the reason our own government makes no sense anymore. They don't tend to do anything that results in our prosperity. We aren't supposed to be prosperous. We're supposed to go broke after we have spread all our wealth.

The NWO is laid out in UN Agenda 21 (Sustainable Development) and it is on line. It is not a conspiracy theory.|||I''d say a lot. It's like the computer in "This Perfect Day." We keep consolidating currencies until there is only one left (gold), then the rich who have all the gold rule supreme.

Juts like back in the day, Alexander the Great wanted to rule the world, so will someone in a few generations.|||Since no one likes anything tied to socialism. They use 'New World Order' instead.|||The "theory" is alive and taking prisioners every day.|||As about as much that boogeymen are the reason children go missing and not molesters

Exactly @ Angel|||NWO is for insane people and Ron Paul supporters, but then again that is kind of redundant.|||there is a new world order look at how all the dems are kissing the un's *** all the time and taking advice on how to run our country from them.|||Zilch. Please remember that conspiracy theories are easy answers for the weak-minded.|||About zero.. I don't know if you have been paying attention.. but the euro is on the verge if imploding.

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