Thursday, November 24, 2011

What does this say about a political party when a talk show host has more credibility than the party leader?

Yep, I'm talking about the GOP folks!

It's pretty bad when a radio talk show host (Rush) has MORE credibility and RESPECT than the "leader" (Steele).

Pretty sad don't you think?|||The republican party is in crises mode right now. You can't blame them for picking Oxyrush to be their leader. They do not know better. After 8 years of destroying this country, they pick Oxyrush! It's sad and exciting at the same time.|||Honestly, you should know the answer since that was the case for the past several years with Dean as the leader of the Democratic party...|||How silly is this?

Does Rush scare the Democrats so much when he speaks the absolute truth about Obama's socialistic marxist agenda?|||What's sad is you are so consumed by the GOP, don't worry, it won';t be long before hussein makes sure there is no party but the GOP, I hear your side is jumping ship like rats.|||The only people giving a radio talk show host more credibility would be people such as yourself. I'd wager at least half of Rush's audience is NOT conservative. Even your President felt the need to spend time addressing Rush. Now that is sad. Open your eyes, think for yourself, and get a life.|||I suppose that's why liberals cringe everytime they hear his name.|||Who says? YOU? Mr. Limbaugh has embodied the Conservative side of the GOP for years but he is not any more respected than Micheal Steele!|||What's really sad is the liberals obsession with all things conservative!|||If any of your statement were true, which it's not. I know the new marching orders from the left are to continue to tell everyone that Rush is the new leader of the Republican party. Leftists and moderates already believe this and conservatives know better, so stop wasting our time.|||I have little respect for anyone who is spewing forth rhetoric for the current president's failure. If he fails we're all losers.|||Stick a fork in them, they are done.|||Yes, it is pretty sad.|||Hm... I think that it means that the Dems are trying to deflect their own problems onto a talk show host... How else do you explain the reason why Limbaugh hasn't been in the limelight since the Clinton administration....

He is doing the same thing as he has done for the last 20+ years... Realize how the light is only showing on him when a Democrat is President... And from where I see it was Obama that mentioned Limbaugh first by telling the Congressmen to not listen to him.... Why is it that no Republican cared about him or his views until the Dem's brought him up? 8 years no one cared.... until now.|||What is this obsession with Rush, All you whiny little dems cry about is

Rush. Is it the fact that all the pseudo intellectual dems with there little

degrees can't handle the fact, this fat blow hard, Makes 50 million a year

off the backs of the so called smart guys.,That he is well researched,

pulls no punches, and tells people the truth, He is the knife in your

stomach that you can't pull out. Your trying to pass legislation to shut

him up. Well Siris and XM radio will thrive if you do. He will expand his

listening base to 3 times the millions of people he has each day, Then

you will really have something to worry about,

It has nothing to do with Steele. It has all to do with Rush,

By the way I don't listen to the Man Not one bit. But I do admire

and respect the tenacity in which he goes after the truth, Thats

what is killing the Obama administration, THEY CAN'T HANDLE

THE TRUTH.,|||quit spankin that monkey(aka obama) and go eat some chicken!!|||It shows that Rush Limbaugh is extremely good at what he does. He is very successful, has been for more than twenty years. He has many millions of faithful fans. He is a conservative and he does an excellent job of explaining and driving the conservative point of view. Democrats don't like him because he uses logic, reason, intelligence, and common sense. Four things that democrats can't get around while spewing their hatred for anyone more successful than them.

There is no point in comparing Mr Steele and Mr Limbaugh. They are not rivals, nor competitors for a title or position. Mr Steele is a good and honorable man, and does a good job, but his job is extremely difficult and complex. Most of his work goes unseen by the public eye. Rush is a powerful and elequent speaker with twenty years of experience in conservatism. Instead of comparing them, perhaps we, conservatives, need them to work together.|||I don't know let's listen to what the democratic party leaders have to say and tale a look at how its going.|||lol the gop lacks leadership of any kind lol. they are a very amusing bunch that's for sure|||A radio talk show host that's a PILLHEAD and a UNDERCOVER HOMOSEXUAL at that!!!|||Dang Democrats give Obama a chance.. haha

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