Thursday, November 24, 2011

With Bush's credibility who believes his report on the list of terrorist attacks that he claims were thwarted?

Bush has lied to America on the most important of issues, war. Thus who believes any claims that the Bush admin places before them?

Also if not for his extremely poor credibility would he feel compelled to release such a report in the first place?|||What does he have to gain now?


Leads most to believe him.|||The justice department investigation will begin next Wednesday.|||I believe him, but it comes across as desperate...

he is desperately trying to change how history will look at him. the FoIA would've made all of this public in the 15-20 years...but he is trying to change that perception today...|||I don't.

But there will be no investigation. Obama isn't going to investigate or do anything against Bush.|||It's amazing that liberals have this great disbelief of terrorism when there is so much recorded history of it.|||NOW WE ARE TWARTING ATTACKS ??? !!!

I thought our being in Iraq stopped them all

ROFLMAO|||Well there were quite a few attempts that were unsuccessful, whether his administration had anything to do with that still remains to be seen. You just ahh...stay angry buddy.|||I think he tries to defend his torture policy by citing these thwarted events.

Whether or not the torture prevented these "attempts" is debatable.|||Whatever he's done to thwart terrorism, you can't argue with the results. It'll be interesting to see what happens under the coming administration.|||I think this administration has lost all creditability. He did not have to lie before and he did so is he lying now? Most certainly.|||He is an incompetent fool who is trying to justify his bungling and complete indifference to the suffering his administration has caused - both in the USA and other countries. He is/was more concerned with his image than he was with America's problems. He and "Dick" Cheney felt compelled to politicize everything, which only served to divide the country.

Anyone who gives this man any leeway in his claims on anything is a fool as well. He's been caught in so many lies that he cannot be believed. He was the laziest President in history, as well as the worst. "Thwarted" terrorist attacks is the biggest lie of all; there haven't been any in Western countries for quite some time, they're taking place in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and India, and those are not being "thwarted." The terrorists are just taking the show elsewhere.

All his statements on his successes are nothing more than ego, they have little or nothing to do with reality.|||When someone who has proved to be a compulsive liar and lawbreaker, then everything they say is suspect. When they own up to their actions by showing evidence they did wrong, only then can they be remotely trusted. I don't see any evidence of Bush setting the record straight.

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