Thursday, November 24, 2011

How much credibility does Michelle Bachmann have in saying Obama is not following the Constitution?

All of a sudden she's now a constitutionalist when she doesn't believe in separation of church and state.|||$2.00 a gallon for gasoline?

Constitutional scholar?

What next?

She doesn't seem ignorant or stupid to me, so I don't know why she acts like fool.

Does she need attention badly or psychotherapy?|||She’s a fake churchlady married to a closeted homosexual who makes a good living off government money by “praying the gay away” and ending gayness forever, and who has lived off the government dole her entire adult life, and who thinks the founders ended slavery, and who thinks that Lexington/Concord is in New Hampshire, and who went on CNN claiming Obama was spending more on his India trip than we were spending on the entire Afghanistan War per day (they corrected her)... Why would she have a credibility problem?|||Tell me where in the Constitution it says "separation of church and state."

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Now please show us where you got this information. Links make you look less like a troll. Back up this statement with more than hot air.

EDIT: And get off your partisan soapbox. Neither side is interested in the Constitution.

Patriot Act

War on Drugs

Hate Crime Laws

Clean Water Act

Kelo v New London

Fairness Doctrine

Brady Bill

War on Poverty

16th amendment

17th amendment

Federal Reserve


I can't decide which is worse. Your ignorance, or your apathy.|||She is speaking of his agencies passing rules and regulation and bypassing Congress which is a violation of the Constitution. Michele Bachmann has never said the US should establish a national religion. The term separation of church and state is not in the Constitution. That phrase means little because the Constitution does guarantee citizens the right to practice their religion freely.|||Separation of church and state is NOT IN THE CONSTITUTION. Its a letter from Jefferson to the baptists. Are people this dumb about this quote?

FYI, The first amendment reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof|||You must have seen her staged performance in South Carolina . I was shocked until they ask her for the particulars on her rant and she could not answer . What a fool . We need an economy and jobs and that igit goes after the Dept. of Education .. Next thing she will apply for a government grant for her and hubby a private school ..|||If she does not believe in separation of church and state, then she is Socialist. She has no credibility at all in my eyes.

If there is no separation of church and state, then why do churches not pay taxes?|||Well the lamestream media would like you to think otherwise but Obama is not following the constitution at any point he doesn't feel like it. So trying to make this about anyone but Barry is stupid.|||Bachmann seems to think that a document that is more than 250 years old, covers all the bases regarding every single thing in the United States.|||Michele Bachmann likes the Constitution until it get's in her way.|||Supreme Court has even said Obama's policies are unconstitutional. Look at Obama care.|||None. Now just imagine Bachmann deciding start a nuclear war because god told her.|||The fact that the President has a degree in Constitutional law tells me none.|||Bachmann has lost her Teabagger support to Perry.

Might as well sceatch her off of the list.|||Oh, the irony.|||A tax lawyer vs. a constitutional expert? NONE.|||Very little. She is smarter than Palin and should know better, too.|||Huge amounts!|||zero|||** NONE !! **

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