What could they do to prove to you that they aren't just government butt kissing clowns?|||We already have all the credibility.
You have FOX News.|||Hey Enzyte, are these just feelings?
The answer is that Conservatives would have to regain the ability to accept factual information.
Currently, some Conservativeshave trouble accepting information outside of that which they already want to believe. When they are presented with information that contradicts their beliefs, they often attack the reporter and accuse them of bias. To give Liberals credibility, more Conservatives would have to regain the ability to weigh evidence objectively, admit when they are wrong, and be intellectually honest. There are proud traditions of intellectual Conservatism based on reason, but I fear that they are waning now, and being replaced by know-nothingism.
Quick example, 45,000 Americans die every year right now from lack of medical coverage. The health reform plans will eliminate nearly all of this pointless death and the even larger amount of agony and fear that this system causes. Yet, Conservatives including Governor Palin spread the talking points that the new health plans have "death panels" and they have compared health reform to nazi death camps.
The non - partisan CBO has concluded that the reform plans will reduce the deficit by $100 billion by 2019, yet Conservatives publically claim that it will bankrupt the country.
An even clearer case is global warming. Many Conservatives deny that it is really happening, based largely on the opinions of people like Rush Limbaugh. They give his opinion more weight than these sources, all of which have concluded that global warming is happening beyond any doubt, and that it is more than 90% likely to be manmade;
Senator John McCain
NOAA - Pres. Bush gave them $904 million of your tax dollars in 2007.
US National Academy of Science
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Joint Science Acadmies' Statement
American Meteorological Society
U.S. Global Change Research Program
Climate Change Science Program
United States Geological Survey
US Dept of Transportation
US Dept of Energy
US Dept of Defense
US Dept of Agriculture
Central Intelligence Agency|||Facts, History, and verifiable statistics are like Kryptonite to liberals.
They speak only about emotions and how they "FEEL"
If you can somehow force a liberal into a point-counterpoint argument, his retorts will bear no relation to what you said 鈥?unless you were, in fact, talking about your looks, your age, your weight, your personal obsessions, or whether you are a fascist. In the famous liberal two-step, they leap from one idiotic point to the next, so you can never nail them. It's like arguing with someone with Attention Deficit Disorder.|||To offer pragmatic discussion, opinion and debate, but what is even more apparent, you have lost all sense of objectiveness because of your over zealot partisanship.
I'm an independent|||Maybe they could figure out that all the news stations are biased instead of thinking that the ones that tell them what they want to hear are being honest.|||I'm just me being me, but when someones starts labeling me I'm not butt kissing, I'm *** kicking.|||Credibility on a website that is worth ****?|||Respect from idiots and $4 wont buy a latte.|||conseratives are the same when a republican is in office....|||Move to Cuba|||A Zebra can't change their strips|||an act of god
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