Saturday, November 19, 2011

Can the GOP ever regain credibility with its various constituencys?

The GOP record of overspending while in control of Congress and the White House hurts fiscal conservatives. Gov. Sanford, Sen. Ensign, TN State Senator Paul Stanley conduct hurts social conservatives. How can you restore credibility to a party that CHOSE to hold itself to a higher standard?|||Yes, simply because of statements like yours, where you inadvertently admit that the dem's hold themselves to low standards.|||If they keep their acts up, no. They will lose in 2010 and 2012. Hopefully by then they will realize what's wrong with their party.|||"Change the y to i and add es." It's more than credible to me.|||No.

The Republicans' tawdry performance on health reform is the symptom of a deeper problem. Their politicians are increasingly captives or in some cases acolytes of fringe movements fueled by resentment and sustained by a malign incomprehension鈥攈ow could this African-American be president? The "birther" cranks now include eleven GOP House members who've signed on to a resolution requiring that presidential candidates produce their birth certificates to prove their eligibility for office.|||Both parties have issue but the Democrats will lose in both houses

faster then chit can come out of a cannon|||There are two ways. By enforcing stricter controls on it's members ( hard to do ) or by letting the other party implode and become relatively more credible ( which is what is happening now ).

The corruption, racism and incompetence which has defined the Obama administration taints the entire Democrat party. Republicans become more credible simply because they're the alternative to the failures and "sins" of the Democrats.|||Not as long as they keep pandering to the ignorant.|||They have more credibility than the dems do, after electing a racist janotor for president and his foot-in-mouth twit of a runner up! The dems are done!|||Possible but doubtful. First they are going to have to convince the those of us former Republicans that we should stop being their enemies. And since I don't see any sign of that happening, they have problems. And watch, as soon as the Republicans start campaigning for the mid-term elections you are going to see Republican trained saboteurs turn on the Republicans and expose their candidates flaws from within.|||The republicans need Ron Paul to run in 2012.|||I thought democrats ran on the platform of responsible spending after what the republicans did between 2000-2006, or did I miss something? I guess the saying do as I say, not as I do applies to both parties.|||Not If stays Racist, Perverted, Staying in the South, staying in the Bible Belt, and Ignoring average Citizens then they will let Democrats be in power maybe some Republicans go to Libertarians Party why because they not like the GOP have an open Door policy towards Watch Libertarian Party will grow and Republican Party will streak why because Republicans closed the door on the American People, ask Voinovich Outgoing Senator from Ohio He knows the GOP Leadership is all from the South I completely Agree, this is why the Democrats will stay in power because they have an Open Mind and an Open Door Not like Republicans.|||At this point in time.. the GOP do not have to do anything to regain their credibility or anything else.. they can just sit back and watch Obama screw things up so badly that people will be crying for the Republicans again.

The GOP may not be great.. but after the communist regime of Obama.. when we vote again.. if we get to vote again.. the Republicans will sweep.

Sooner or later Americans will wake up.. I only hope it is sooner.|||Of course it can and will, it is just a matter of time.|||It would be very difficult to regain their credibility because if they do this once, who's to say they won't do it again. High standards would be demolished and that political party would be demolished as well.

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