If you support a racist federal practice, you automatically lose ALL credibility on the subject of racism, because you have admitted you support racism when it benefits you. Do they realize this?|||No, they don't realize it. They have convinced themselves that buying off minority voters by giving them special assistance is completely not racist. They inherently believe that minorities are inferior and can't possibly compete on a level playing field. So they patronize them, pander to them and reinforce their sense of inferiority and dependency. The plantation owner used the same tactics to keep their slaves from running away. But even while engaging is such awful raciust practices, the proponents of such things believe they are doing what is right. They think that caring for their inferiors is the right thing to do and conservative who treat all people as equals are racist for expecting minorities to be independent and free.|||Exactly
Essentially Affirmative Action gives Specific Minorities and a Specific Gender(Women), Special Advantages that other people don't have, to make up for past discrimination. This essentially lowers the Bar for those people, to make it easier to acquire Jobs/promotions.
The byproduct of this, is Discrimination against non-minority members, because this makes it harder for a non-minority member to get a Job, when his/her competition is a Minority member.
This also makes it impossible to know if a Minority member got a Job due to his/her Skill or simply due to his/her Race and/or Gender
This odd thing about this is, this is meant to make up for Past discrimination, however it is very Rare for someone who was discriminated against in the past to benefit from this, due to most of the discrimination happened at least half a century ago. So it basically ends up aiding people who have never been discriminated against.|||Perhaps if you knew what affirmative action is, yo would think differently.
Here's an example; at a major university(a conservative one -- Georgia Tech) there is a comprehensive set of mentoring programs fo students -- ALL students. It is broken down into customized programs geared to the need of each group. Now, here's the outline for African Americans (remember, all students and prospective students have access to comparable resources):
%26gt;outreach to recruit QUALIFIED candidates. The propose for this group is to make information about educational opportunities known to students in low-performing schools that the students might not get from teachers or counselors. Information -- that is all
%26gt;a remedial program fo students who test high enough to qualify based on aptitude but who lack academic qualifications. NO student is admitted who lacks the academics until ad unless they pas the remedial work
%26gt;Ongoing mentoring (again, tailored to the group, but mentoring is provide all students).
%26gt;Once admitted, all students must meet regular academic performance standards.
Now -- that is what affirmative action really is. Those programs benefit all students. The only thing racist about it is its critics.|||Here's the real test.. you can tell if somebody really understands the evils of affirmative action.
Call them, or somebody they care about or support an "affirmative action hire" or "the affirmative action president" or just say without affirmative action they wouldn't have the job. If they're offended by that.. then they understand how racist it is. If they're not.. well.. they're probably an idiot.|||Why do you assume only people of color support affirmative action? That's what this sentence--"[Y]ou have admitted you support racism when it benefits you."--implies. Yet I support affirmative action and I'm a white man. There's no possibility that affirmative action would benefit me in any way. So does that make me racist against white people because I support affirmative action?
Maybe you should mingle outside your skin color before making such outrageous and insulting claims.|||Don't you love when liberal throw out of context facts in? The percentage of the population in America that is black is about 16%. Now when you compare that the proportion of successful vs unsuccessful black falls pretty close to the same proportions for white people. But try pointing out the disparity in the area of crime and you will be branded a racist for using facts that hurt their feelings.|||no. its federal policy to discriminate and we are obeying the law. stop buying our votes with this type of racist legislation. we didnt get affirmative action by force. democrats used tax dollars to support community groups like acorn. in return for minority status and public housing democrats receive loyal voter blocks.|||Incorrect. It is possible to assist a minority to recover from a century of abuse (either with education or financial aid) while still fighting against hate. That's common sense, not hypocrisy.|||They lose credibility with racists. But they lost that a long time ago, long before slavery was introduced to the American colonies. So no biggie.|||If only affirmative action were racist. Oh, and btw the largest group protected by AA is actually white females.|||the funny thing is if you say someone got a job through Affirmative Action they call you racist.|||The only time it won't support you is if you're a white male.|||No. Some people, like Mother Hubbard here, nod their heads in response.|||No they don't. Which is why they're so hell bent on it.|||No, it doesn't click upstairs.|||Not a perfect program but what is these days?|||Really? So a wealth ratio of 20 to one is a great outcome- you are OK,
don't want change?= Well, that's odd.
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